Isode Messaging Management APIs

Summary: Isode provides a number of APIs which allow integrators and product developers to build components to manage the Isode Messaging server products.

Isode Messaging Management APIs

Isode provide a number of Messaging APIs which enable integrators to develop complementary components to work with the Isode Server products. This page describes the APIs available to writers of Management Tools.

Switch Operations Management (SOM).

This API provides the Switch Operations Management (SOM). This API provides the ability to write SOM clients which can monitor and control one or more M-Switch servers. SOM is an Isode proprietary protocol and is only able to manage Isode M-Switch components.

Programming Language Support

SOM API language bindings are available in C, Java and Tcl

API Documentation

Style of API

The Isode SOM API uses an object-oriented style, relying on arguments which are

  • integers (either explicitly or as manifest constants)
  • strings (whose length is passed as an integer)
  • opaque objects (on which the API functions perform operations)

This approach facilitates support in multiple languages. The Isode APIs share common definitions where appropriate.

M-Switch HF Circuit Management (MHFCM).

This is an API which provides the ability to manage ACP127 circuits and ACP142 channels. M-Switch HF Circuit Management (MHFCM). This is an API which provides the ability to manage ACP127 circuits and ACP142 channels. These Circuits can be

  • ACP 127 Circuit -> Serial Hub -> Crypto -> Modem -> HF Radio
  • ACP 142 Channel -> STANAG 5066 Server -> Serial Hub -> Crypto -> Modem -> HF Radio
MHFCM is an Isode proprietary protocol and is only able to manage Isode M-Switch components.

More information on MHFC is available at Isode's Solution for BRASS.

Technical information on MHFCM and what is needed to use the API is available at MHFCM Technical Specification