
This is an example program which transfers messages and reports out of the MTA.

/* Copyright (c) 2003-2011, Isode Limited, London, England.
* All rights reserved.
* Acquisition and use of this software and related materials for any
* purpose requires a written licence agreement from Isode Limited,
* or a written licence from an organisation licenced by Isode Limited
* to grant such a licence.
* Simple example program for transferring a message out of the MTA
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <x400_mtapi.h>
#include <seclabel_api.h> /* For security labels */
#include "example.h"
/* to get NDR values */
/* #include "esc.h" */
#define XML_BUFSIZE 1024
static int get_msg (
int argc,
char **argv
) ;
static int do_msg_env(
struct X400mtMessage *mp
static int do_msg_headers(
struct X400mtMessage *mp
static void do_msg_content(
struct X400mtMessage *mp
static int get_a_msg (
struct X400mtSession *sp
) ;
static int get_recips(
struct X400mtMessage *mp,
int recip_type,
char *recip_str
static int get_exempted_recips (
struct X400mtMessage *mp
static int do_rep_env(
struct X400mtMessage *mp
static int do_rep_content(
struct X400mtMessage *mp
static int do_rep_retcontent(
struct X400mtMessage *mp
static void usage(void);
static int do_dl_hist (
struct X400mtMessage *mp
static int do_trace_info (
struct X400mtMessage *mp
static int do_internal_trace_info (
struct X400mtMessage *mp
static int do_redirection_hist (
struct X400Recipient *recip
static int do_redirection_hist_env (
struct X400mtMessage *msg
static int get_ALI (
struct X400mtMessage *mp
static int get_hi (
struct X400mtMessage *mp
static int get_mi (
struct X400mtMessage *mp
static int get_dist_codes_sic(
struct X400mtMessage *mp
static int get_other_recips(
struct X400mtMessage *mp
static int get_acp127_ali (
struct X400ACP127Resp *resp
static char *optstr = "uo:O:r:c:l:EQ:";
static int get_body_parts(
struct X400mtMessage *mp
static int do_orig_and_dl (
struct X400mtMessage *mp
static void report_sig_info(
struct X400Recipient *rp
static void print_sec_label(
unsigned char slab_buffer[],
unsigned int length
static int get_cic(
struct X400Recipient *rp
static void show_certificate (
struct X400Recipient *rp,
int certtype,
const char *tag
int num_atts = 0;
int main (
int argc,
char **argv
int retval;
if (x400_channel == NULL) {
fprintf (stderr, "No x400_channel value set in x400tailor file");
while (retval == X400_E_NOERROR || retval == X400_E_NO_MESSAGE) {
retval = get_msg(argc, argv);
retval = get_msg(argc, argv);
fprintf (stderr, "Error in X400mtMsgGet: %s\n", X400mtError (retval));
static int get_msg (
int argc,
char **argv
int status;
struct X400mtSession *sp;
char *filepath = "/var/isode";
if (get_args(argc, argv, optstr)) {
/* open our X400 session */
status = X400mtOpen (x400_channel, &sp);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in Open: %s\n", X400mtError (status));
return (status);
filepath, strlen(filepath));
if (attr_to_fault != 0) {
status = X400mtMarkToFault(sp, attr_to_fault, 1);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in X400mtMarkToFault: %s\n", X400mtError (status));
return (status);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
/* close API session */
status = X400mtClose (sp);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf("X400mtClose returned error %d\n", status);
fprintf (stderr, "Error in X400mtClose: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return status;
do {
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
/* close API session */
status = X400mtClose (sp);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf("X400mtClose returned error %d\n", status);
fprintf (stderr, "Error in X400mtClose: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return status;
while (until_no_more_msgs);
/* close API session */
status = X400mtClose (sp);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf("X400mtClose returned error %d\n", status);
fprintf (stderr, "Error in X400mtClose: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
static int get_a_msg (
struct X400mtSession *sp
struct X400mtMessage *mp;
int type;
int status;
static int reported_none = 0;
/* get the message */
status = X400mtMsgGetStart (sp, &mp, &type);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
if ( status == X400_E_NO_MESSAGE ) {
if (reported_none == 0) {
printf("No messages ...\n");
reported_none = 1;
printf("Error getting message (%d) %s\n", status, X400mtError(status));
fprintf (stderr, "Error in X400mtMsgGet: %s\n", X400mtError (status));
return (status);
/* process the message */
switch ( type) {
printf("Message waiting\n\n");
/* display message attributes */
printf("Report waiting\n\n");
/* display message attributes */
/* Not handling a Probe here */
printf ("Got a probe, ignoring ...\n");
/* Delete internal copy */
status = X400mtMsgDelete (mp);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf("X400mtMsgDelete returned error %d\n", status);
fprintf (stderr, "Error in X400mtMsgDelete: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
#ifdef always_dr_msg
/* finish transfer - NDR */
/* finish transfer - accept: no DR */
-1, -1, "");
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf("X400mtMsgFinish returned error %d\n", status);
fprintf (stderr, "Error in X400mtMsgFinish: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
printf("X400mtMsgFinish returned success %d\n", status);
/* Delete internal copy */
status = X400mtMsgDelete (mp);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf("X400mtMsgDelete returned error %d\n", status);
fprintf (stderr, "Error in X400mtMsgDelete: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return status;
* Message functions
static int do_msg_env(
struct X400mtMessage *mp
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
int status;
size_t length;
int int_param = 0;
/* Envelope Attributes */
/* string attributes */
/* The ORADDRESS in the message is the (envelope) originator */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf("error getting originator address\n");
fprintf (stderr,
"Error in X400mtMsgGetStrParam: %s\n", X400mtError (status));
return (status);
printf ("Originator: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Envelope message IDentifier */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf("error getting message identifier\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error in X400mtMsgGetStrParam: %s\n", X400mtError (status));
return (status);
printf ("MessageID: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Content Identifier */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Content Identifier: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Content Correlator */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Content Correlator IA5Text: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Content Correlator Octet String: %i bytes\n", (int)length);
/* Original EITs */
status = X400mtMsgGetStrParam (mp,
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Original EITs: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Message Submission Time */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Message Submission Time: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Message Delivery Time */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Message Delivery Time: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Latest Delivery Time */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Latest Delivery Time: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Originator Return Address */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Originator Return Address : %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("External Content Type : %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Integer parameters */
/* Content Type */
status = X400mtMsgGetIntParam (mp, X400_N_CONTENT_TYPE, &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Content type : P%d\n", int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Content type : P%d\n", int_param);
/* Content Length */
status = X400mtMsgGetIntParam (mp, X400_N_CONTENT_LENGTH, &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Content length: %d\n", int_param);
/* Priority */
status = X400mtMsgGetIntParam (mp, X400_N_PRIORITY, &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Priority: %d\n", int_param);
/* Disclosure of recips prohibited */
status = X400mtMsgGetIntParam (mp, X400_N_DISCLOSURE, &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Disclosure of recips prohibited %s\n", int_param == 0 ? "No": "Yes");
/* Implicit conversion prohibited */
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Implicit conversion prohibited %s\n", int_param == 0 ? "No": "Yes");
/* Alternate recipient allowed */
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf (" Alternate recipient allowed: %s\n", int_param == 0 ? "No": "Yes");
/* Content return request */
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf (" Content return request: %s\n", int_param == 0 ? "No": "Yes");
/* Recipient reassignment prohibited */
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Recipient reassignment prohibited: %s\n", int_param == 0 ? "No": "Yes");
/* Distribution List expansion prohibited */
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Distribution List expansion prohibited: %s\n", int_param == 0 ? "No": "Yes");
/* Conversion with loss prohibited */
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Conversion with loss prohibited: %s\n", int_param == 0 ? "No": "Yes");
/* Get the envelope recipients */
status = get_recips(mp, X400_RECIP_ENVELOPE, "envelope");
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR && status != X400_E_NO_RECIP) {
printf("error getting recipients\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error in getting recipient: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
/* Get X.411 exempted recipients */
status = get_recips(mp, X400_DL_EXEMPTED_RECIP, "DL Exempted recips");
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR && status != X400_E_NO_RECIP) {
printf("error getting recipients\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error in getting recipient: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
/* DL Expansion history */
/*Process the DL Expansion History object */
status = do_dl_hist(mp);
if (status == X400_E_NO_VALUE )
printf("No DL Expansion history\n");
else if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
/* There has been an error fetching the DL expansion history*/
printf("error getting DL Expansion History\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error in X400mtDLExpHistGet: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return status;
/* Security Label */
#define XML_BUFSIZE 1024
char xml_buffer[XML_BUFSIZE];
unsigned char slab_buffer[XML_BUFSIZE];
status = X400mtMsgGetStrParam(mp,
if (status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
printf("No security label\n");
} else if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr,"Failed to fetch security label: %d",status);
} else {
int sec_status = 0;
sec_status = SecLabelInit("Example program");
if (status != SECLABEL_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "SecLabelInit returned error %d\n", status);
status = SecLabelPrint(slab_buffer,
if (status != SECLABEL_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "SecLabelParse returned error %d\n", status);
/* You could now write out the XML file, or parse it in memory..*/
printf("Got security label:%s\n",xml_buffer);
status = do_trace_info(mp);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR) {
/* all OK */
} else if (status == X400_E_MISSING_ATTR ) {
printf("There is no Trace Info\n");
} else {
printf("error getting Trace Info\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error fetching trace info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return status;
status = do_internal_trace_info(mp);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR) {
/* do nothing */
} else if (status == X400_E_MISSING_ATTR ) {
printf("There is no internal Trace Info\n");
} else {
printf("error getting Trace Info\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error fetching trace info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return status;
/* NB: Originator cert is just being treated as a binary blob */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Originator Cert got %i bytes\n", (int)length);
/* NB: Originator cert is just being treated as a binary blob */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("MOAC got %i bytes\n", (int)length);
static int do_dl_hist (
struct X400mtMessage *mp
struct X400DLExpHist *hist = NULL;
char DLORAddress[BUFSIZ];
char DLExpTime[BUFSIZ];
size_t length;
int n;
int status;
/* Loop through the entries, pulling out the OR Address, DN, and expansion
* time for each entry.
* Stop looping when there is no n entry
for ( n=1; ;n++ ) {
status = X400mtDLExpHistGet (mp,n,&hist);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
return status;
status = X400DLGetStrParam (hist, X400_S_OR_ADDRESS,
DLORAddress, BUFSIZ , &length);
if (status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
DLORAddress[length] = '\0';
printf ("DLExpansion List entry %d OR Address:%s\n",
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in :X400DLGetStrParam OR %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
status = X400DLGetStrParam (hist,X400_S_DIRECTORY_NAME,
DLORDN, BUFSIZ , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
DLORDN[length] = '\0';
printf ("DLExpansion List entry %d DN :%s\n",n,DLORDN);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in :X400DLGetStrParam DN %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
status = X400DLGetStrParam (hist,X400_S_DLEXP_TIME,
DLExpTime, BUFSIZ , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
DLExpTime[length] = '\0';
printf ("DLExpansion List entry %d Time :%s\n",n,DLExpTime);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in :X400DLGetStrParam Time %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
static int do_msg_headers(
struct X400mtMessage *mp
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
int status;
size_t length;
int int_param;
/* Message Headers */
/* Get the primary recipients */
status = get_recips(mp, X400_RECIP_PRIMARY, "primary");
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR && status != X400_E_NO_RECIP) {
printf("error getting recipients\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error in getting recipient: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
/* Get the cc recipients */
status = get_recips(mp, X400_RECIP_CC, "cc");
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR && status != X400_E_NO_RECIP) {
printf("error getting recipients\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error in getting recipient: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
/* Get the bcc recipients */
status = get_recips(mp, X400_RECIP_BCC, "bcc");
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR && status != X400_E_NO_RECIP) {
printf("error getting recipients\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error in getting recipient: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
/* Get the reply recipients */
status = get_recips(mp, X400_AUTH_ORIG, "auth-orig");
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR && status != X400_E_NO_RECIP) {
printf("error getting recipients\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error in getting recipient: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
/* Get the reply recipients */
status = get_recips(mp, X400_RECIP_REPLY, "reply");
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR && status != X400_E_NO_RECIP) {
printf("error getting recipients\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error in getting recipient: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
/* Get the Exempted recipients */
status = get_exempted_recips(mp);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR && status != X400_E_NO_RECIP) {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in getting exempted recipient: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
/* string parameters */
/* IPM IDentifier */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("IPM IDentifier: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Subject */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Subject: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Replied-to-identifier */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Replied-to-identifier: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Obsoleted IPMs */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Obsoleted IPMs: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Related IPMs */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Related IPMs: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Expiry Time */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Expiry Time: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Reply Time */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Reply Time: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Authorisation Time */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Authorisation Time: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Originator's Reference */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Originator's Reference: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* integer arguments */
/* Importance */
status = X400mtMsgGetIntParam (mp, X400_N_IMPORTANCE, &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Importance: %d\n", int_param);
/* Sensitivity: 1 - personal, 2 - private, 3 - company-confidential */
status = X400mtMsgGetIntParam (mp, X400_N_SENSITIVITY, &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Sensitivity: %d\n", int_param);
/* Autoforwarded */
status = X400mtMsgGetIntParam (mp, X400_N_AUTOFORWARDED, &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Autoforwarded: %s\n", int_param ? "false" : "true");
/* number of attachments apart from main body part */
status = X400mtMsgGetIntParam (mp, X400_N_NUM_ATTACHMENTS, &num_atts);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("number of attachments: %d\n", num_atts);
/* Fetch P772 Extended Auth Info */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("P772 Ext Auth Info Time: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Fetch P772 Codress value */
status = X400mtMsgGetIntParam (mp, X400_N_EXT_CODRESS, &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("P772 Codress value: %d\n", int_param);
/* Fetch P772 Message type value */
status = X400mtMsgGetIntParam (mp, X400_N_EXT_MSG_TYPE, &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("P772 Message Type: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Fetch P772 Message id value */
buffer, sizeof buffer, &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("P772 Message Type/Identifier: %d\n", int_param);
/* Fetch P772 Primary Precedence */
status = X400mtMsgGetIntParam (mp, X400_N_EXT_PRIM_PREC, &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("P772 Primary Precedence: %d\n", int_param);
/* Fetch P772 Copy Precedence */
status = X400mtMsgGetIntParam (mp, X400_N_EXT_COPY_PREC, &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("P772 Copy Precedence: %d\n", int_param);
/* Fetch P772 Address List Indicators*/
/* Fetch handling instructions */
/* Fetch message instructions */
/* Fetch distribution codes sic */
/* Fetch Other Recipients */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("P772 Originator Reference: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("P772 Originator PLAD: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("P772 ACP127 Msg ID: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* NB: Pilot forwarding info is just being treated as a binary blob */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("P772 Pilot Forwarding Info got %i bytes\n", (int)length);
/* NB: information security label is just being treated as a binary blob */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("P772 Information Security Label got %i bytes\n", (int)length);
/* Fetch ACP127 Notification Response - this will only be present in a Military Notification */
struct X400ACP127Resp *resp = NULL;
int int_param = 0;
status = X400mtACP127RespGet(mp,&resp);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
status = X400ACP127RespGetIntParam(resp,&int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
if (int_param & X400_ACP127_NOTI_TYPE_NEG) {
printf("P772 ACP127 Notification Response Type Negative\n");
if (int_param & X400_ACP127_NOTI_TYPE_POS) {
printf("P772 ACP127 Notification Response Type Positive\n");
if (int_param & X400_ACP127_NOTI_TYPE_TRANS) {
printf("P772 ACP127 Notification Response Type Transfer\n");
status = X400ACP127RespGetStrParam (resp,
sizeof buffer,
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("P772 ACP127 Response time: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
status = X400ACP127RespGetStrParam (resp,
sizeof buffer,
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("P772 ACP127 Recipient: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
status = X400ACP127RespGetStrParam (resp,
sizeof buffer,
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("P772 ACP127 Resp supp info: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Fetch ACP127 Notification Response Address list indicator */
static void do_msg_content(
struct X400mtMessage *mp
char buffer[30000];
int status;
size_t length;
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf("Failed to read raw content into file: %s\n", X400mtError (status));
printf("Read raw content into file %s\n", buffer);
/* Message Body */
/* And now get message text (or it could be another type - ie not IA5) */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("Text:\n%.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
num_atts--; /* The IA5text bodypart is infact the first "attachment"
* So there is one less to fetch */
/* Go through message bodyparts */
static int get_exempted_recips (
struct X400mtMessage *mp
struct X400Recipient *rp;
int n;
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
size_t length;
int status;
for ( n = 1; ; n++ ) {
status = X400mtRecipGet (mp,X400_EXEMPTED_ADDRESS , n, &rp);
if ( (status == X400_E_NO_RECIP) || (status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) )
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in X400mtRecipGet: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("Exempted recipient OR address %d: %.*s\n",
n, (int)length, buffer);
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("Exempted recipient DN address %d: %.*s\n",
n, (int)length, buffer);
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("Exempted recipient free form name %d: %.*s\n",
n, (int)length, buffer);
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("Exempted recipient Tel number %d: %.*s\n",
n, (int)length, buffer);
static int get_ALI (
struct X400mtMessage *mp
struct X400ALI *ali = NULL;
int n;
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
size_t length;
int status;
int int_param;
for ( n = 1; ; n++ ) {
status = X400mtALIGet (mp,n,&ali);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR )
return status;
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 ALI recipient OR address %d: %.*s\n",
n, (int)length, buffer);
} else if ( status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 ALI recipient DN address %d: %.*s\n",
n, (int)length, buffer);
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 ALI recipient free form name %d: %.*s\n",
n, (int)length, buffer);
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 ALI recipient Tel number %d: %.*s\n",
n, (int)length, buffer);
status = X400ALIGetIntParam (ali,X400_N_ALI_TYPE , &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 ALI Type %d\n", int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 ALI Notification Request %d\n", int_param);
status = X400ALIGetIntParam (ali,X400_N_ALI_REPLY_REQUEST ,&int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 ALI Notification Request %d\n", int_param);
static int get_hi (
struct X400mtMessage *mp
struct X400PSS *pss = NULL;
int n;
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
size_t length;
int status;
for ( n = 1; ; n++ ) {
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR )
return status;
status = X400PSSGetStrParam (pss,buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 Handling instruction %d: %.*s\n",
n, (int)length, buffer);
} else if ( status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
static int get_mi (
struct X400mtMessage *mp
struct X400PSS *pss = NULL;
int n;
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
size_t length;
int status;
for ( n = 1; ; n++ ) {
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR )
return status;
status = X400PSSGetStrParam (pss,buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 Message instruction %d: %.*s\n",
n, (int)length, buffer);
} else if ( status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
static int get_dist_codes_sic(
struct X400mtMessage *mp
struct X400PSS *pss = NULL;
struct X400DistField *distfield = NULL;
int n;
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
size_t length;
int status;
for ( n = 1; ; n++ ) {
status = X400mtPSSGet (mp,X400_S_DIST_CODES_SIC,n,&pss);
if (status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
break; /* Now try the extension fields*/
} else if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
return status;
status = X400PSSGetStrParam (pss,buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 Distribution code SIC %d: %.*s\n",
n, (int)length, buffer);
for ( n = 1; ; n++ ) {
status = X400mtDistFieldGet (mp,n,&distfield);
if (status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
break; /* Now try the extension fields*/
} else if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
return status;
sizeof buffer,
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 Distribution code Field Extension OID %d: %.*s\n",
n, (int)length, buffer);
sizeof buffer,
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 Distribution code Field Extension value %d: %.*s\n",
n, (int)length, buffer);
static int get_other_recips(
struct X400mtMessage *mp
struct X400OtherRecip *otherrecip = NULL;
int n;
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
size_t length;
int status;
int type;
for ( n = 1; ; n++ ) {
status = X400mtOtherRecipGet (mp,n,&otherrecip);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
return status;
status = X400OtherRecipGetIntParam (otherrecip,&type);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 Other Recipient type %d: %i \n",n,type);
status = X400OtherRecipGetStrParam (otherrecip,
sizeof buffer ,
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 Other Recipient Designator %d: %.*s\n",
n, (int)length, buffer);
static int get_recips(
struct X400mtMessage *mp,
int recip_type,
char *recip_str
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
int status;
struct X400Recipient *rp;
size_t length;
int n;
int int_param;
for ( n = 1; ; n++ ) {
status = X400mtRecipGet (mp, recip_type, n, &rp);
if ( status == X400_E_NO_RECIP )
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf("error getting recip %d\n", n);
fprintf (stderr, "Error in X400mtRecipGet: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
/* Note: recipient may not actually have an O/R address */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("%s recipient %d: %.*s\n", recip_str, n, (int)length, buffer);
} else {
printf ("recipient %d ORAddress status %d\n", n, status);
/* envelope recipient integer parameters */
/* Responsibility */
(rp, X400_N_RESPONSIBILITY, &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("\tResponsibility %d\n", int_param);
/* MTA report request */
(rp, X400_N_MTA_REPORT_REQUEST, &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("\tMTA report request %d\n", int_param);
/* Originator report request */
(rp, X400_N_REPORT_REQUEST, &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("\tOriginator report request %d\n", int_param);
/* envelope recipient string parameters */
/* Originator requested alternate recipient: X.400 string form */
/* this is a submission argument, so should get error */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("\tOriginator requested AR %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("\tOriginator requested AR DN %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* content recipient integer parameters */
/* Notification request */
(rp, X400_N_NOTIFICATION_REQUEST, &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("\tNotification request %d\n", int_param);
/* Reply Request */
(rp, X400_N_REPLY_REQUESTED, &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("\tReply Request %s\n", int_param ? "false" : "true");
/* content recipient string parameters */
/* Notification request */
/* Free Form Name */
(rp, X400_S_FREE_FORM_NAME, buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("\tFree form name %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
(rp, X400_S_DIRECTORY_NAME, buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("\tDirectory Name %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Telephone Number */
(rp, X400_S_TELEPHONE_NUMBER, buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("\tTelephone Number %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
(rp, X400_S_ARRIVAL_TIME, buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Arrival Time: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Positive reports */
/* Message Delivery Time - present for successful deliveries */
(rp, X400_S_MESSAGE_DELIVERY_TIME, buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Subject Message Delivery Time: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* type of MTS user - successful report only */
(rp, X400_N_TYPE_OF_USER, &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("\tType of MTS user %d\n", int_param);
/* Negative reports */
/* Supplementary info (reported recips only) */
(rp, X400_S_SUPPLEMENTARY_INFO, buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("\tSupplementary info %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* reason - non-success report only */
(rp, X400_N_NON_DELIVERY_REASON, &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("\tNon-delivery Reason %d\n", int_param);
/* diagnostic info - non-success report only */
(rp, X400_N_NON_DELIVERY_DIAGNOSTIC, &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("\tNon-delivery diagnostic %d\n", int_param);
/* CEITS */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("\tCEIT info %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
status = do_redirection_hist(rp);
if ( status == X400_E_NO_VALUE ) {
/* do nothing */
} else if (status == X400_E_MISSING_ATTR ) {
printf("There is no Redirection History\n");
} else if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
printf("error getting Redirection History\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error fetching Redirection History: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return status;
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
if (int_param & X400_ACP127_NOTI_TYPE_NEG) {
printf("P772 ACP127 Notification Request Type Negative\n");
if (int_param & X400_ACP127_NOTI_TYPE_POS) {
printf("P772 ACP127 Notification Request Type Positive\n");
if (int_param & X400_ACP127_NOTI_TYPE_TRANS) {
printf("P772 ACP127 Notification Request Type Transfer\n");
/* report content integrity check info if available */
/* report message token info if available */
static int do_rep_env(
struct X400mtMessage *mp
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
int status;
size_t length;
/* Envelope Attributes */
/* string attributes */
/* The ORADDRESS in the message is the (envelope) originator */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
if (status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
printf("Reports don't have an originator\n");
} else {
printf("error getting originator address\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error in getting originator: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
} else {
printf ("Originator: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* report identifier - rather confusingly, use X400_S_MESSAGE_IDENTIFIER */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf("error getting report identifier\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error in getting report identifier: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
printf ("report identifier: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* content identifier not present in report */
/* original EITs */
status = X400mtMsgGetStrParam (mp,
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if (status == X400_E_NOERROR) {
printf ("original EITs: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
} else if ( status != X400_E_NO_VALUE ) {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in getting original EITs : %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
/* submission time not present in report*/
status = do_trace_info(mp);
if ( status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
} else if (status == X400_E_MISSING_ATTR ) {
printf("There is no Trace Info\n");
} else if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
printf("error getting Trace Info\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error fetching trace info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return status;
status = do_redirection_hist_env(mp);
if ( status == X400_E_NO_VALUE ) {
/* do nothing */
} else if (status == X400_E_MISSING_ATTR ) {
printf("There is no Redirection History\n");
} else if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
printf("error getting Redirection History\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error fetching Redirection History: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return status;
status = do_orig_and_dl(mp);
if ( status == X400_E_NO_VALUE ) {
/* do nothing */
} else if (status == X400_E_MISSING_ATTR ) {
printf("There is no orig and dl exp history\n");
} else if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf (stderr, "Error getting orig and dl exp history: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return status;
/* latest delivery time */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR && status != X400_E_INVALID_ATTR) {
printf("error getting latest delivery time\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error in getting latest delivery time: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
} else {
printf ("latest delivery time: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Get the envelope recipients */
status = get_recips(mp, X400_RECIP_ENVELOPE, "envelope");
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR && status != X400_E_NO_RECIP) {
printf("error getting recipients\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error in getting recipient: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
/* Get the reporting dl name */
status = get_recips(mp, X400_REPORTING_DL_NAME, "Reporting DL name");
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR && status != X400_E_NO_RECIP) {
printf("error getting dl name\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error in getting recipient: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
static void report_sig_info(
struct X400Recipient *rp
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
int status;
int param;
size_t length;
show_certificate (rp, X400_N_CERT_MSGTOK, "message-token");
status = X400mtRecipGetStrParam(rp,
buffer, sizeof buffer, &length);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error from RecipGetStrParam: %s\n",
fprintf(stderr, "recipient in token not available\n");
} else {
"Message Token(%u): recipient in Token '%.*s'\n",
(unsigned)length, (int)length, buffer);
status = X400mtRecipGetStrParam(rp,
buffer, sizeof buffer, &length);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error from RecipGetStrParam: %s (%d)\n",
fprintf(stderr, "Message Token DER not available\n");
} else {
"Message Token DER available (%u bytes)\n", (unsigned)length);
status = X400mtRecipGetIntParam(rp,
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error from RecipGetStrParam: %s (%d)\n",
fprintf(stderr, "Message Token seq num not available\n");
} else {
"Message Token seq num %d \n", param);
status = X400mtRecipGetStrParam(rp,
buffer, sizeof buffer, &length);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error from RecipGetStrParam: %s (%d)\n",
fprintf(stderr, "Message Token Security Label DER not available\n");
} else {
"Message Token Security Label DER available (%u bytes)\n", (unsigned)length);
fprintf(stderr, "Security Label from Message Token is:\n");
print_sec_label((unsigned char *)buffer, length);
status = X400mtRecipGetStrParam(rp,
buffer, sizeof buffer, &length);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error from RecipGetStrParam: %s (%d)\n",
"Message Token Content Integrity Check DER not available\n");
} else {
"Message Token Content Integrity Check DER available (%u bytes)\n",
show_certificate (rp, X400_N_CERT_MSGTOK_CIC, "token CIC");
static void print_sec_label(
unsigned char slab_buffer[],
unsigned int length
char xml_buffer[XML_BUFSIZE];
int status;
status = SecLabelInit("Example program");
if (status != SECLABEL_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "SecLabelInit returned error %d\n", status);
return ;
status = SecLabelPrint(slab_buffer,
if (status != SECLABEL_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "SecLabelParse returned error %d\n", status);
return ;
/* You could now write out the XML file, or parse it in memory..*/
printf("Got security label:%s\n", xml_buffer);
static int get_cic(
struct X400Recipient *rp
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
int status, cic_status;
int intparam;
size_t length;
/* get back status of the Content Integrity Check in the recipient */
if (cic_status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
printf("No Content Integrity Check in recipient\n");
} else if (cic_status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
printf("Error from RecipGetIntParam: %s\n", X400mtError(cic_status));
return cic_status;
/* report CIC information */
switch (intparam) {
printf("Content Integrity Check succeeded\n");
printf("Content Integrity Check error (%d): %s\n",
intparam, X400mtError(intparam));
/* Return the Content Integrity Check */
buffer, sizeof buffer, &length);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error getting recipient cic: %s\n",
} else {
printf("Content Integrity Check found in recipient (%d)\n",
show_certificate (rp, X400_N_CERT_RECIP_CIC, "recipient CIC");
static void show_certificate (
struct X400Recipient *rp,
int certtype,
const char *tag)
int status;
struct X400Certificate *cert;
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
size_t length;
int paramval;
status = X400RecipGetCert (rp, certtype, &cert);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
fprintf (stderr, "Error getting %s certificate: %s\n",
tag, X400mtError (status));
/* Return the subject DN from Orig cert */
buffer, sizeof buffer, &length);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error getting subject of cert used for %s: %s\n",
tag, X400mtError(status));
} else {
printf("Subject of Cert used to verify %s (%.*s)\n",
tag, (int)length, buffer);
/* Return the issuer DN from Orig cert */
buffer, sizeof buffer, &length);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error getting issuer of cert used for %s: %s\n",
tag, X400mtError(status));
} else {
printf("Issuer of Cert used to verify %s (%.*s)\n",
tag, (int)length, buffer);
/* Return the serial number from Orig cert used to verify the
* Content Integrity Check */
buffer, sizeof buffer, &length);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error getting serial num of cert used for %s: %s\n",
tag, X400mtError(status));
} else {
printf("Serial Num of Cert used to verify %s (%.*s)\n",
tag, (int)length, buffer);
/* Return the Orig cert used to verify the Content Integrity Check */
buffer, sizeof buffer, &length);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error getting cert der used for %s: %s\n",
tag, X400mtError(status));
} else {
"Returned Cert used to verify %s (%d)\n",
tag, (int)length);
/* Find any ORaddress subject alt name and its status */
buffer, sizeof buffer, &length);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
if ( status == X400_E_NO_VALUE ) {
fprintf(stderr, "No ORaddress subject alt. name\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Error from CertGetStrParam: %s\n",
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "ORaddress subject alt name: '%.*s'\n",
(int)length, buffer);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error from CertGetStrParam: %s\n",
fprintf(stderr, "ORaddress subject alt name status: %s\n",
X400mtError (paramval));
static int do_rep_content(
struct X400mtMessage *mp
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
int status;
size_t length;
/* Message Body */
printf("Report content\n");
/* subject ID */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf("error getting subject id\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error in getting subject id: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
printf ("subject id: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* content-correlator */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf("error getting icontent-correlator\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error in getting content-correlator: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
printf ("content-correlator: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
/* Get the reported recipients */
status = get_recips(mp, X400_RECIP_REPORT, "reported-recip");
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR && status != X400_E_NO_RECIP) {
printf("error getting reported-recip\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error in getting reported-recip: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return (status);
status = do_trace_info(mp);
if ( status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
} else if (status == X400_E_MISSING_ATTR ) {
printf("There is no Trace Info\n");
} else {
printf("error getting Trace Info\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Error fetching trace info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
return status;
static int do_rep_retcontent(
struct X400mtMessage *mp
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
int status;
size_t length;
int int_param;
printf("Returned content\n");
(mp, X400_N_NUM_ATTACHMENTS, &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("\tNum attachments %d\n", int_param);
printf ("\tNum attachments STATUS %d\n", status);
/* And now get message text (or it could be another type - ie not IA5) */
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR )
printf ("Text:\n%.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
return status;
static void usage(void) {
printf("usage: %s\n", optstr);
printf("\t where:\n");
printf("\t -u : Don't prompt to override defaults \n");
printf("\t -o : Originator \n");
printf("\t -O : Originator Return Address \n");
printf("\t -r : Recipient\n");
printf("\t -c : X.400 passive channel\n");
printf("\t -l : Logline\n");
printf("\t -E : Stop after one attempt to transfer a msg\n");
static int do_trace_info (
struct X400mtMessage *mp
char GDI [BUFSIZ];
char DSI_arrival_time[BUFSIZ];
int DSI_routing_action;
char DSI_attempted_domain[BUFSIZ];
char DSI_AA_def_time[BUFSIZ];
int DSI_AA_redirected = 0;
int DSI_AA_dl_operation = 0;
size_t length;
int n;
int status;
struct X400TraceInfo *info = NULL;
for ( n=1; ;n++ ) {
status = X400mtTraceInfoGet (mp, n, &info, X400_TRACE_INFO);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR)
GDI, BUFSIZ , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
GDI[length] = '\0';
printf ("GDI entry %d OR Address:%s\n",n,GDI);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_trace_info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
DSI_arrival_time, BUFSIZ , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
DSI_arrival_time[length] = '\0';
printf ("DSI arrival time %d :%s\n",n,DSI_arrival_time);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_trace_info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("DSI routing action %d :%s\n",n,
DSI_routing_action ? "rerouted" : "relayed");
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_trace_info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
/* This one is optional*/
status = X400TraceInfoGetStrParam (info,
BUFSIZ ,&length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
DSI_attempted_domain[length] = '\0';
printf ("DSI attempted domain %d :%s\n",n,DSI_attempted_domain);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_trace_info optional component: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
status = X400TraceInfoGetStrParam (info,
BUFSIZ ,&length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
DSI_AA_def_time[length] = '\0';
printf ("DSI AA %d :%s\n",n,DSI_AA_def_time);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_trace_info optional component: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
status = X400TraceInfoGetStrParam (info,
BUFSIZ ,&length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
DSI_AA_CEIT[length] = '\0';
printf ("DSI AA %d :%s\n",n,DSI_AA_CEIT);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_trace_info optional component: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
status = X400TraceInfoGetIntParam (info,
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("DSI AA redirected %d :%d\n",n,DSI_AA_redirected );
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_trace_info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
status = X400TraceInfoGetIntParam (info,
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("DSI AA dl operation %d :%d\n",n,DSI_AA_dl_operation );
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_trace_info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
if (n == 1) {
printf("No Trace Info found in message\n");
} else {
printf("%d Trace Info entries found in message\n", n - 1);
static int do_internal_trace_info (
struct X400mtMessage *mp
size_t length;
int n;
int status;
int SI_routing_action = 0;
int SI_attempted_action = 0;
int SI_OA = 0;
char GDI [BUFSIZ];
char SI_MTA_name [BUFSIZ];
char SI_time [BUFSIZ];
char SI_attempted_MTA_name[BUFSIZ];
char SI_attempted_domain [BUFSIZ];
char SI_defered_time [BUFSIZ];
struct X400InternalTraceInfo *info = NULL;
for ( n=1; ;n++ ) {
status = X400mtInternalTraceInfoGet (mp,n, &info);
if (status == X400_E_NO_VALUE)
GDI, BUFSIZ , &length);
if (status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
GDI[length] = '\0';
printf ("GDI entry %d Domain:%s\n",n,GDI);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_trace_info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
/*MTA Name */
SI_time, BUFSIZ , &length);
if (status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
SI_time[length] = '\0';
printf ("SI time entry %d :%s\n",n,SI_time);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_internal_trace_info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
/*SI MTA Name*/
SI_MTA_name, BUFSIZ , &length);
if (status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
SI_MTA_name[length] = '\0';
printf ("SI MTA Name entry %d :%s\n",n,SI_MTA_name);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_internal_trace_info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
/* SI routing action */
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
if (SI_routing_action == X400_MTA_SI_ROUTING_ACTION_RELAYED) {
printf ("SI routing action %d :relayed\n",n);
} else {
printf ("SI routing action %d :rerouted\n",n);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_internal_trace_info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
if (SI_routing_action == X400_MTA_SI_RA_MTA) {
printf ("SI attempted action %d :MTA\n",n);
} else {
printf ("SI attempted action %d :Domain\n",n);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_internal_trace_info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
if (SI_attempted_action == X400_MTA_SI_RA_MTA) {
/* SI Attempted MTA Name */
if (status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
SI_attempted_MTA_name[length] = '\0';
printf ("Supplied information attempted MTA %d"
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_trace_info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
} else {
/*SI Attempted domain*/
SI_attempted_domain, BUFSIZ,
if (status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
SI_attempted_domain[length] = '\0';
printf ("Supplied information attempted Domain entry"
" %d :%s\n",n,SI_attempted_domain);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_internal_trace_info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
/* SI MTA Defered time*/
BUFSIZ , &length);
if (status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
SI_defered_time[length] = '\0';
printf ("SI_defered_time entry %d :%s\n",n,
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_internaltrace_info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
/* SI MTA Converted Encoded Information Types*/
BUFSIZ , &length);
if (status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
SI_CEIT[length] = '\0';
printf ("SI_CEIT entry %d :%s\n",n,
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_internaltrace_info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf("SI_Other_Actions: %d: Redirected\n",n);
printf("SI_Other_Actions: %d: DLOP\n",n);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_internal_trace_info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
if (n == 1) {
printf("No Internal Trace Info found in message\n");
} else {
printf("%d Internal Trace Info entries found in message\n", n - 1);
static int do_redirection_hist (
struct X400Recipient *recip
char redirection_time [BUFSIZ];
char or_address [BUFSIZ];
char dn [BUFSIZ];
int rr;
size_t length;
int n;
int status;
struct X400RediHist *hist = NULL;
for ( n=1; ;n++ ) {
status = X400RediHistGet (recip,n, &hist);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR)
redirection_time, BUFSIZ,&length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
redirection_time[length] = '\0';
printf ("Redirection time: %i %s\n",n,redirection_time);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_redirection_hist: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
or_address, BUFSIZ , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
or_address[length] = '\0';
printf ("Redirection OR address %i :%s\n",n,or_address);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_trace_info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
dn, BUFSIZ , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
dn[length] = '\0';
printf ("Redirection DN %i :%s\n",n,dn);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_trace_info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("DSI routing action %d :%s\n",n,X400RediReason(rr));
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_redirection_hist: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
if (n == 1) {
printf("No Trace Info found in message\n");
} else {
printf("%d Trace Info entries found in message\n", n - 1);
static int do_redirection_hist_env (
struct X400mtMessage *msg
char redirection_time [BUFSIZ];
char or_address [BUFSIZ];
char dn [BUFSIZ];
int rr;
size_t length;
int n;
int status;
struct X400RediHist *hist = NULL;
for ( n=1; ;n++ ) {
status = X400mtRediHistGetEnv (msg,n, &hist);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR)
redirection_time, BUFSIZ,&length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
redirection_time[length] = '\0';
printf ("Redirection time: %i %s\n",n,redirection_time);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_redirection_hist: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
or_address, BUFSIZ , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
or_address[length] = '\0';
printf ("Redirection OR address %i :%s\n",n,or_address);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_trace_info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
dn, BUFSIZ , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
dn[length] = '\0';
printf ("Redirection DN %i :%s\n",n,dn);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_trace_info: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("DSI routing action %d :%s\n",n,X400RediReason(rr));
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_redirection_hist: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
if (n == 1) {
printf("No Redirection histories found in message\n");
} else {
printf("%d Redirection histories entries found in message\n", n - 1);
static int get_acp127_ali (
struct X400ACP127Resp *resp
struct X400ALI *ali = NULL;
int n;
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
size_t length;
int status;
int int_param;
for ( n = 1; ; n++ ) {
status = X400ACP127RespGetALI (resp,&ali,n);
if ( status != X400_E_NOERROR )
return status;
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 ACP127 response Notification "
"ALI recipient OR address %d: %.*s\n",
n, (int)length, buffer);
} else if ( status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 ACP127 response Notification"
" ALI recipient DN address %d: %.*s\n",
n, (int)length, buffer);
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 ACP127 response Notification"
" ALI recipient free form name %d: %.*s\n",
n, (int)length, buffer);
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 ACP127 response Notification"
"ALI recipient Tel number %d: %.*s\n",
n, (int)length, buffer);
status = X400ALIGetIntParam (ali,X400_N_ALI_TYPE , &int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 ACP127 response Notification"
"ALI Type %d\n", int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 ACP127 response Notification"
"ALI Notification Request %d\n", int_param);
status = X400ALIGetIntParam (ali,X400_N_ALI_REPLY_REQUEST ,&int_param);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 ACP127 response Notification"
"ALI Notification Request %d\n", int_param);
/* This is a very simple function to go through the P772 body parts only.
* It's a modified version of what's in x400_msrcv.c
static int get_body_parts(
struct X400mtMessage *mp
#define INIT_BUFFER_SIZE 10000
int status = X400_E_NOERROR;
int type = 0;
char *buf;
size_t buflen;
size_t ret_len;
int i = 0;
struct X400Bodypart *bp;
buf = (char *) malloc(INIT_BUFFER_SIZE);
if (buf == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "can't alloc %d bytes\n", INIT_BUFFER_SIZE);
for (i = 1; i <= num_atts ; i++) {
printf ("Get attachment %d\n", i);
status = X400mtMsgGetBodypart(mp, i, &type, &bp);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR &&
status != X400_E_MESSAGE_BODY) {
fprintf(stderr, "X400mtMsgGetBodypart %d failed %s\n", i,
X400mtError (status));
/* skip this bodypart.
* The IA5text bodypart has already been fetched throught the
* X400mtMsgGetStrParam interface.
* So fetching that bodypart fails here.
printf("got Bodypart %d, type = %s\n", i,
type == X400_T_IA5TEXT ? "IA5" :
type == X400_T_ISO8859_1 ? "ISO8859-1" :
type == X400_T_ISO8859_2 ? "ISO8859_2" :
type == X400_T_BINARY ? "Binary" :
type == X400_T_MESSAGE ? "Message" :
type == X400_T_FTBP ? "File Transfer BP" :
type == X400_T_GENERAL_TEXT ? "General Text" :
type == X400_T_CORRECTIONS ? "P772 Correction" :
type == X400_T_ACP127DATA ? "P772 ACP127 Data" :
type == X400_T_MM ? "P772 Forwarded MM" :
type == X400_T_FWDENC ? "P772 Forwarded Encrypted" :
type == X400_T_FWD_CONTENT ? " Forwarded Content":
type == X400_T_ADATP3 ? "P772 ADatP3" : "unknown"
switch (type) {
/* Fetch a forwarded bodypart */
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
struct X400Message *fwd_content_env = NULL;
size_t length = 0;
status = X400mtMsgGetMessageBody(mp,i,&fwd_content_env);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "X400mtMsgGetBodypart failed %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
free (buf);
return status;
status = X400MsgGetStrParam (fwd_content_env,
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if (status == X400_E_NOERROR) {
printf ("Forwarded Content bodypart"
" Message Delivery Time: %.*s\n",
(int)length, buffer);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "X400MsgGetStrParam failed %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
status = X400MsgGetStrParam (fwd_content_env,
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if (status == X400_E_NOERROR) {
printf ("Forwarded Content bodypart"
" Message identifier: %.*s\n",
(int)length, buffer);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "X400MsgGetStrParam failed %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
/* We currently don't support proof of submission */
status = X400MsgGetStrParam (fwd_content_env,
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("Forwarded content bodypart data: %i bytes\n",
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "X400MsgGetStrParam failed %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
/* Fetch a forwarded bodypart */
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
struct X400Message *ENC_fwd = NULL;
size_t length = 0;
status = X400mtMsgGetMessageBody(mp,i,&ENC_fwd);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "X400mtMsgGetBodypart failed %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
free (buf);
return status;
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if (status == X400_E_NOERROR) {
printf ("P772 Forwarded Encrypted bodypart"
" Message Delivery Time: %.*s\n",
(int)length, buffer);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "X400MsgGetStrParam failed %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("P772 Forwarded encrypted bodypart data: %i bytes\n",
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "X400MsgGetStrParam failed %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
case X400_T_MM:
/* Fetch a forwarded bodypart */
char buffer[BUFSIZ];
struct X400Message *MM_fwd = NULL;
size_t length = 0;
status = X400mtMsgGetMessageBody(mp,i,&MM_fwd);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "X400mtMsgGetBodypart failed %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
free (buf);
return status;
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if (status == X400_E_NOERROR) {
printf ("P772 MM bodypart Message Delivery Time: %.*s\n",
(int)length, buffer);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "X400MsgGetStrParam failed %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
buffer, sizeof buffer , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf ("Subject: %.*s\n", (int)length, buffer);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "X400MsgGetStrParam failed %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
int parm_type;
X400_N_ADATP3_PARM, &parm_type);
if (status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
printf("No P772 ADatP3 parameters present\n");
} else if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "X400BodypartGetIntParam failed %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
free (buf);
return status;
printf("P772 ADatP3 Parm %d is %d\n",i,parm_type);
X400_N_ADATP3_CHOICE, &parm_type);
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "X400BodypartGetIntParam failed %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
free (buf);
return status;
printf("P772 ADatP3 Choice %d is %d\n",i,parm_type);
if (status == X400_E_NOERROR)
printf("P772 ADatP3 %i data: %.*s \n",
int parm;
char buffer [BUFSIZ];
size_t length;
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "X400BodypartGetIntParam failed %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
free (buf);
return status;
printf("P772 Corrections Parm %d is %d\n",i,parm);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf("P772 Correction %i data: %.*s \n",i,(int)length,buffer);
int parm;
char buffer [BUFSIZ];
size_t length;
if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
fprintf(stderr, "X400BodypartGetIntParam failed %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
free (buf);
return status;
printf("P772 ACP127Data Parm %d is %d\n",i,parm);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
printf("P772 ACP127Data %i data: %.*s \n",i,(int)length,buffer);
printf ("Skipping bodypart\n");
free (buf);
return status;
static int do_orig_and_dl (
struct X400mtMessage *mp
char exp_time [BUFSIZ];
char or_address [BUFSIZ];
char dn_address [BUFSIZ];
size_t length;
int n;
int status;
struct X400ORandDL *orig_and_dl = NULL;
for ( n=1; ;n++ ) {
status = X400mtORandDLGet (mp,n,&orig_and_dl);
if (status == X400_E_NO_VALUE) {
printf("Finished getting originator and dl expansion history\n");
return status;
} else if (status != X400_E_NOERROR) {
return status;
status = X400ORandDLGetStrParam (orig_and_dl,
exp_time, BUFSIZ,&length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
exp_time[length] = '\0';
printf ("do_orig_and_dl: %i %s\n",n,exp_time);
} else if(status != X400_E_MISSING_ATTR ) {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_orig_and_dl: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
or_address, BUFSIZ , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
or_address[length] = '\0';
printf ("do_orig_and_dl OR address %i :%s\n",n,or_address);
} else if(status != X400_E_MISSING_ATTR ) {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_orig_and_dl: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));
status = X400ORandDLGetStrParam(orig_and_dl,
dn_address, BUFSIZ , &length);
if ( status == X400_E_NOERROR ) {
dn_address[length] = '\0';
printf ("originator and DL expansion DN %i :%s\n",n,dn_address);
} else if(status != X400_E_MISSING_ATTR ) {
fprintf (stderr, "Error in do_orig_and_dl: %s\n",
X400mtError (status));